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Outdoor urinal designers offer solutions to pandemic public toilet problem / Dezeen

Cities in France are installing outdoor urinals as the coronavirus lockdowns causes a lack of public toilet facilities.

The closure of public toilets along with bars, cafes and other venues with facilities means people have nowhere to go to the bathroom when they are out of their homes. In London, there are reports of desperate people using the bushes in parks.
Urinal designers are responding to the problem, and report that cities in France will soon be improving their public facilities.
“From this week you can find Lapee in the streets of Rennes,” the designers of the Lapee urinal for women and nonbinary people told Dezeen.

Lapee fits perfectly with the summer time and Covid-19 hygiene regulations,” added French architect and Lapee co-founder Gina Périer. “It can be installed basically everywhere. Lapee is made for every place where there is a need for safe and hygienic solutions for womxn to pee.”

French design studio Faltazi, who caused a scandal when their Uritrottoirs were installed on the streets of Paris in 2018, told Dezeen they are installing the composting urinal units in Chambéry this month.

“Our outdoor urinals respond perfectly to this problem of distancing,” Faltazi co-founder Laurent Lebot told Dezeen.

The Uritrottoir is an environmentally-friendly outdoor urinal featuring a bright red box with a trough that funnels urine into a box of sawdust inside its metal body.

Faltazi also makes an easy-to-assemble urinal for outdoor events such as festivals.  The Uritonnoir is made by strapping funnels to straw bales, which can be composted afterwards.
“The Uritonnoirs, our country version of the Uritrottoir can, of course, be installed in parks,” said Lebot. “You just have to get straw bales from farmers.” Using a Uritrottoir or Uritonnoir doesn’t require touching the unit and they’re used in the open air, where the level of ventilation means transmission of coronavirus is reduced.

Lapee is also touchfree, allowing the user to step up between the sheltering sides and squat to urinate. “Of course if you need some support you can always hold from its walls or support yourself with your elbows,” said Périer.
“It’s also a win-win situation because you can work out while you pee,” she added. “But it’s up to you – we see it as a completely touch-free solution. And if you end up touching surfaces, it is totally okay since we provide hand sanitiser to clean your hands.”

In response to the pandemic, Lapee’s designers have added a metal holster for hand sanitiser that attaches to the middle of the structuree. As a piece of industrial design, the hardwearing plastic frame was already made to withstand regular hosing down.

“You can easily spray [Lapee] with vinegar or other disinfectants. It functions as one monolith so the whole cleaning process doesn’t take more than a couple of minutes,” said Périer. “The material that Lapee is made from is very durable, it can last for many many years even if it’s being sanitised every day.”
Lapee was designed to help ease the queues at music festivals, where people who need to squat to pee have to wait longer.

Women and people who need to squat to pee are particularly vulnerable when public toilet facilities are reduced, such as during this pandemic. There are fewer places they can use safely and higher risks of health issues such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) if they cannot go regularly. Human urine is also very bad for plants and can pollute rivers.

As a Danish company, Lapee is also in talks with Copenhagen’s city government to get the urinals installed in time for the summer.
“Things are going really well for Denmark in terms of Covid-19 and summer is just around the corner. We believe people are going to be more and more outside enjoying the nice weather – of course with regulations – but still gathering in parks, hanging out by the water and visiting outdoor markets,” said Périer.

“As it is a new concept it always takes a bit more time to get things done – especially through governmental procedures. But more cities will have it in the near future and we are really happy about it.”
Coronavirus has lead to increased demand for touchless toilets and other bathroom equipment. “It is entirely feasible to create an environment which eliminates the need to touch surfaces,” chief design officer of LIXIL told Dezeen.

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Paris Turns to Flower-Growing Toilet to Fight Public Urination | THE NEW YORK TIMES

In cities the world over, men (and, to a lesser extent, women) who urinate in the street — al fresco — are a scourge of urban life, costing millions of dollars for cleaning and the repair of damage to public infrastructure. And, oh, the stench.

Now, Paris has a new weapon against what the French call “les pipis sauvages” or “wild peeing”: a sleek and eco-friendly public toilet. Befitting the country of Matisse, the urinal looks more like a modernist flower box than a receptacle for human waste.

You can even grow flowers in its compost.

The Parisian innovation was spurred by a problem of public urination so endemic that City Hall recently proposed dispatching a nearly 2,000-strong “incivility brigade” of truncheon-wielding officers to try to prevent bad behavior, which also includes leaving dog waste on the street and littering cigarette butts. Fines for public urination are steep — about $75.

Even that was not deterrent enough, officials say. A small brigade of sanitation workers still has to scrub about 1,800 miles of sidewalk each day. And dozens of surfaces are splattered by urine, according to City Hall.

Enter the boxy Uritrottoir — a combination of the French words for “urinal” and “pavement” — which has grabbed headlines and has already been lauded as a “friend of flowers” by Le Figaro, the French newspaper, because it produces compost that can be used for fertilizer. Designed by Faltazi, a Nantes-based industrial design firm, its top section also doubles as an attractive flower or plant holder.

The Uritrottoir, which has graffiti-proof paint and does not use water, works by storing urine on a bed of dry straw, sawdust or wood chips. Monitored remotely by a “urine attendant” who can see on a computer when the toilet is full, the urine and straw is carted away to the outskirts of Paris, where it is turned into compost that can later be used in public gardens or parks.

Fabien Esculier, an engineer who is known in the French media as “Monsieur Pipi” because of his expertise on the subject, said the Uritrottoir was more eco-friendly than the dozens of existing public toilets which dot the capital and are connected to the public sewage system.

“Its greatest virtue is that it doesn’t use water, and produces compost that can be used for public gardens and parks,” he said.

So far, Paris’s Gare de Lyon, a railway station that has become ground zero in the capital’s war against public urination, has ordered two of the toilets, which were installed on Tuesday outside the station, and the SNCF, France’s state-owned national railway, says it plans to roll out more across the capital if the Uritrottoir is a success.

“I am optimistic it will work,” said Maxime Bourette, the SNCF maintenance official who ordered the toilets for the railway. “Everyone is tired of the mess.”

He said it remained to be seen whether the toilets were cost effective — he said the SNCF paid about $9,730 for two, while it would cost about $865 a month to pay a sanitation worker to clean the toilets and take away the waste.

A designer of the Uritrottoir, Laurent Lebot, 45, an industrial engineer who has also invented an eco-friendly vacuum cleaner, said Nantes, in western France, had ordered three for the spring. He had also had inquiries from local councils in Cannes, France; Lausanne, Switzerland; London; and Saarbrücken, Germany. A large model can handle the outflow of 600 people; a smaller model absorbs 300 trips to the toilet.

“Public urination is a huge problem in France,” Mr. Lebot said. “Beyond the terrible smell, urine degrades lamp posts and telephone poles, damages cars, pollutes the Seine and undermines everyday life of a city. Cleaning up wastes water, and detergents are damaging for the environment.”

France is far from alone in combating public urination. In San Francisco, a street lamp whose base was damaged by urine recently collapsed, almost injuring a driver. The city has since installed public urinals adorned by plants.

New York has also long suffered from drunken urinating revelers, but the City Council recently downgraded the offense, along with littering and excessive noise, as part of its effort to divert minor offenders from its already overstretched court system. Nevertheless, offenders face a fine of $350 to $450 if they commit a third offense within a year.

In Chester, northwest England, the local government has clamped down on public urination amid concerns it was damaging the city’s medieval covered walkways.

In France, the acrid smell of urine has been a particular blight on the nation’s capital stretching back centuries, and Mr. Lebot noted that the carbon of the straw had the added benefit of combating the odor of urine. His next challenge, he added, was to design an aesthetically pleasing public toilet that women could use.

Among the steepest fines for an act of public urination — about $37,500 — was meted out to Pierre Pinoncelli, a French citizen who urinated on the artist Marcel Duchamp’s Dadaist porcelain urinal “Fountain” in 1993 — considered a masterpiece of conceptual art — before hitting it with a hammer.